Zubiri pushes for AFP modernization program

Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri expresses full support for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) modernization program. (OSPJMFZ)

MALAYBALAY CITY (PIA)–Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri recently visited the Philippine Army for an information briefing regarding the Army’s modernization plans, particularly as it transitions from mainly addressing internal threats to addressing territorial defense under the Pagkakaisa 2023–2028 plan of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

This visit comes on the heels of Zubiri’s visit to the Philippine Navy early in May for the launch of two new patrol gunboats and the blessing of their newly upgraded Naval Shipbuilding Yard.

In the briefing, the Army presented its ongoing plans, including engaging in 44 bilateral and multilateral training exercises, hosting the ASEAN Armies Rifle Meet, and pursuing 29 projects for Horizon III of the AFP Modernization Program.

They also presented the concept and plan to implement the proposed Mandatory Reserve Officers Training Corps Act, which they expect to attract 1.9 million students and will cost the Army 3.7 billion to implement.

Zubiri expressed his full support for the AFP Modernization Program.

“Being from Mindanao, I have seen firsthand how the Army has taken great leaps to keep our communities safe and how the Army has made way for rebel returnees to reintegrate themselves as valuable community contributors. I know that with the proper equipment and technology, you could serve our country even better,” the Senate President said.

He strongly supported the mandatory ROTC Act, as he was in the program through his college days.

He also discussed the pending army-related measures in the Senate, which are the National Defense Act—a priority measure of the Marcos administration—and the bill rationalizing the disability pension of veterans, approved on the third reading in the Senate. It will result in an increase in the disability pension for military veterans based on their disability rate.

“With this bill, we hope to more sufficiently support our veterans who have so selflessly put themselves in harm’s way and incurred lasting injuries and illnesses in the line of duty,” Zubiri explained.

He also filed the Philippine Defense Industry Development Act (PDIDA) to support the AFP in building a credible defense posture.

“It is vital that we not only procure equipment and technologies from outside the country but also develop our capacity to produce the equipment that we need for our forces,” he said.

The senator highlighted the benefits of PDIDA, saying, “Through PDIDA, we can address our needs independently and at our own pace, eliminating the need to depend on foreign partners for essential equipment. Furthermore, establishing our defense industry will create job opportunities for our fellow countrymen.”

On the proposed reforms to the Military Uniformed Personnel Pension issue, Zubiri emphasized that he is set on finding a healthy balance that will make for a more sustainable pension model that will also be “as painless as possible” for the Armed Forces.

Beyond crafting and pushing for legislative measures to strengthen the AFP, Zubiri assured that the Senate is all set to support them in their budgetary needs for the coming year.

He said that last week, in a meeting with Budget Secretary Mina Pangandaman, he emphasized the importance of avoiding underbudgeting for the AFP in the 2024 National Expenditure Program.

“I want to see our armed forces on equal footing with the technology and equipment of our neighboring countries. For that to happen, we need better ships, new jets, missile systems, and armaments, among other things. These will cost a lot, but that’s the cost of protecting the country,” he explained.

Welcoming Zubiri at the briefing were Army Commander General LtGen Romeo Brawner, MGen Steve Crespillo, MGen Potenciano Camba, MGen Rommel Tello, BGen Moises Nayve, BGen Benjamin Hao, BGen Alejandro Papa, and other officers and personnel of the Philippine Army. (OSJMZ/PIA-10/Bukidnon)


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