Davao eyeing “TAKOSAGANG” Group for Drag Racing Stunts


The City Transport and Traffic Management Office (CTTMO) in Davao City is launching an investigation into a group of riders with the trademark “TAKOSAGANG,” where one of its members, known as alias Batman, recently made headlines for engaging in reckless drag racing stunts along Diversion Road in the city. The incident occurred on July 21, 2023.

In an interview with DXDC RMN Davao, Alfredo Tamayo, the Assistant Traffic Operation Officer at CTTMO, revealed that only one member has surrendered to the authorities so far, while eight others are expected to come forward on Monday to face possible charges related to their involvement in the drag racing incident.

Tamayo stated that a thorough investigation will be conducted to determine the specific violations committed by the “TAKOSAGANG” group during their drag racing escapade. Drag racing, which involves high-speed competitions between motor vehicles, poses significant risks to public safety, and its practice is strictly regulated to prevent accidents and protect road users.

The CTTMO is taking this matter seriously as it aims to maintain road safety and discipline within Davao City. Such dangerous and illegal activities not only put the lives of the riders involved at risk but also endanger innocent pedestrians and motorists who may be caught in the vicinity.

It is essential for riders and motorists alike to adhere to traffic rules and regulations, as well as to respect the rights of others using the roads. Engaging in drag racing and similar stunts not only violates the law but also contributes to traffic congestion and increases the likelihood of accidents.

(photos courtesy of Davao Skylines FB page)


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